
  Agdz is located in a circuit of the territory of Zagora including the Oasis Mazguit in the north and part of the Oasis Tinzuline in the south and comprises has one municipality in Agdz and lies at an altitude 1200 m on the sea surface and characterized by weather semi-arid and cool in winter (4 to 6 degrees during the month of December and January and excessive heat in the summer; 42 to 50 sometimes degrees during July and August) , rain precipitation in the region is most often weak and irregular, an average of rainfall of about: 110 ml annually.. This amount is not sufficient, of course, to meet the water needs of the plants this necessity requires the exploitation of groundwater and advantage of shots of Mansour Dahbi dam programmed at the beginning of each season which helps the peasants determined according to the quantity of available water in the dam.
  Agdz  is characterized by traditional agriculture products mainly dates, grain, henna, vegetables, fruits and livestock. Otherwise, the agriculture is considered the main economic activity for the majority of the population in the region despite their small farms in addition to some other character that contribute to the economic activity in the region such as trade Handicraft and revenues of labors located in different cities of Morocco or away home


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