School Relationships
The relationship between students and their teachers is very formal, in most of the cases. Students call their teachers by their last names and use formal titles like Mr. or Mrs.
Extracurricular Activities
Most, if not all of Moroccan high schools, do not off er extracurricular activities. Students must belong to private sports clubs or other clubs to participate in activities. Because Moroccan high schools do not have extracurricular activities, very few parents are involved in their children’s activities.
School Rules
Fighting and other behavioral issues lead to warnings, probations, and sometimes dismissal from the school.
When they return home, students are used to the American school system and fi nd it very diffi cult to readjust to the Moroccan school system.
Family Life
In Morocco, it is not uncommon for family members from multiple generations to live together in one house. Many mothers stay home and do not work. It all depends on the arrangements between the parents and it is very acceptable for mothers to work as well. In most of the cases, the father makes fi nal decisions in the Moroccan family, but it is all based on consultation with the mother. In Morocco, girls are supposed to help their mothers in the daily household chores. Boys are also asked to clean their rooms. Meals in Morocco are
oft en eaten communally. In Morocco, members of the family are entitled to have their own time and privacy. In their free time, family members can practice their individual activities but respect family rules, like curfew.
Teen Life
If a Moroccan child has something, it is generally his or her own, and not understood to be the shared property of siblings. Th is includes clothing. When siblings want to borrow something from each other, it is generally understood that they must ask fi rst. In Morocco, teenagers cannot work or have part-time jobs. Teenagers receive their allowances from their parents and spending is monitored by parents. Moroccan teenagers are expected to show respect to their parents with formality. Informality is very common between
In Morocco, the responsibility of cooking falls primarily to the mother, and sometimes to the teenage daughter, but very rarely to boys.
Parental Involvement
A lot of Moroccan families do not have pets. Some of them might have cats and few might have dogs. It is uncommon to allow pets into Moroccan homes.
Personal Interactions
Mixed Gender Socializing
It is acceptable for Moroccan teens to have friends of the opposite sex and to socialize with them individually.
Moroccan teenagers sometimes socialize in groups, and sometimes one-on-one. Both ways are considered appropriate, and the choice is left up to the individual. In Morocco, teenagers make their friends through school, neighbors, and extended family members. It is uncommon for Moroccan teenagers to share money with each other.
Communication Styles
Moroccan teenagers tend to be indirect when communicating with their elders. Th e use of body language and other forms of communication are more common. Communicating negative emotions directly to an elder is uncommon, but they may to peers or siblings.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is important in Morocco and depends on the gender of the person being addressed.
Personal Hygiene
Most Moroccans will shower once per day. It is generally thought to be unclean in Morocco to wear the same clothes two days in a row or to wear the same clothes twice without washing them. Moroccan teenagers are expected to keep their bathrooms clean and dry aft er using them (towels are hung up, and hygiene products are put away). In Morocco, each member of the family has his/her own towel (and maybe two in some cases). Teenagers change into house clothes when they return from school.
Teenagers are required to attend religious events and participate in all activities. Ramadan is a good opportunity to exchange visits with family members.
New Year, Muslim New Year, Independence Manifesto Day, Eid Miloud an Nabi, Eid al-Fitr, Ramadan, Green March, Moroccan Independence Day, and Eid El Kebir
It is acceptable for Moroccan teens to have friends of the opposite sex and to socialize with them individually.
Moroccan teenagers sometimes socialize in groups, and sometimes one-on-one. Both ways are considered appropriate, and the choice is left up to the individual. In Morocco, teenagers make their friends through school, neighbors, and extended family members. It is uncommon for Moroccan teenagers to share money with each other.
Communication Styles
Moroccan teenagers tend to be indirect when communicating with their elders. Th e use of body language and other forms of communication are more common. Communicating negative emotions directly to an elder is uncommon, but they may to peers or siblings.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is important in Morocco and depends on the gender of the person being addressed.
Personal Hygiene
Most Moroccans will shower once per day. It is generally thought to be unclean in Morocco to wear the same clothes two days in a row or to wear the same clothes twice without washing them. Moroccan teenagers are expected to keep their bathrooms clean and dry aft er using them (towels are hung up, and hygiene products are put away). In Morocco, each member of the family has his/her own towel (and maybe two in some cases). Teenagers change into house clothes when they return from school.
Teenagers are required to attend religious events and participate in all activities. Ramadan is a good opportunity to exchange visits with family members.
New Year, Muslim New Year, Independence Manifesto Day, Eid Miloud an Nabi, Eid al-Fitr, Ramadan, Green March, Moroccan Independence Day, and Eid El Kebir
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