some useful for new arrivals
Etiquette: A simple hello is not usually sufficient when greeting someone in Morocco. You will get extra smiles if you follow the local customs of asking after your interlocutor's helth, work, family, etc.. always use the right hand when giving or receiving. shaking hands is a common form of greeting, when you meet a group of people, generally start greetings on the right, moving leftwords, Moroccans have differing approaches when it comes to greeting with a kiss on the cheek. Good friends , including men, will often exchange kisses on the cheek many times, and for men and women to greet in such a way is not uncommon, especially in big cities.
Etiquette: A simple hello is not usually sufficient when greeting someone in Morocco. You will get extra smiles if you follow the local customs of asking after your interlocutor's helth, work, family, etc.. always use the right hand when giving or receiving. shaking hands is a common form of greeting, when you meet a group of people, generally start greetings on the right, moving leftwords, Moroccans have differing approaches when it comes to greeting with a kiss on the cheek. Good friends , including men, will often exchange kisses on the cheek many times, and for men and women to greet in such a way is not uncommon, especially in big cities.
Dress: Locals in cities like Casablanca dress in a variety of ways. Men wear jeans and T-shirts or Jellabas (Arab long shirt) and hats.Women wear everthing from miniskirt to hijab. Foreigners can get away with most Western attire. But should dress modestly to respect the norms and avoid unwanted attention.
Visa: Visas are not required for most visitors, and foreigners are allowed to stay for 90 days, on entry. the exceptions are citizens of Israels, South Africa and Zimbabwe, who have to apply for a tree-month single-/double-entry visa, visa extentions are possible, but you may have to undergo wearying bureaucratic procedures.
Transport: Visitors can depend on good public transport systeme between cities _the train and bus system is extensive an light on the pocket, while those willing to splash out can also fly. Within the cities Busses and Tramways are available for those who determined to economise, while the small taxi (petit taxi or taksi Zghir) service, which is usually shared, is a cheap,freindly and ubiquitous option. Renting a car is olso an option, and hire companies do not require an international driving licence.
Currency: the local currency is the Moroccan dirham. Confusionly, many locals still talk in riyals (an old unused currency) when carring out their transactions There are 20 riyals in one dirham.
Tipping: Tipping is quite common in cafés and restaurants and giving a tip for small services rendred is also common. Parking attendants are ubquitousin the cities, and expect a small something, around 2 DH.
Health: Moroccans themselves do not enjoy a sufficiently accessible health system. visitors can nonetheless rely on private health facilities that are more than adequate to treat their maladies. Health clinics can be found in all the major cities, and pharmacies are widespread and accessible for 24 hours a day.
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